First Step to Learn Oracle APEX (Create a Workspace)
This article will describe about
first step to learn Oracle APEX (Create a Workspace). Before you can develop any application with Oracle
Application Express (APEX), you must have a workspace to deploy your application.
As we know that Oracle APEX is integrated with Oracle Database, every
application develop with Oracle APEX, automatically will be stored in Oracle
Database along with the application data.
Oracle APEX is a free web-based development
environment. As long we have authentication credential to the Oracle APEX
server, we can develop our application anywhere in the world using a web
browser. To obtain the workspace, we need to request the free request by
accessing website.
Now let’s start to request our
free workspace. Here are the steps:
Next click on the Request a Free Workspace button
3. We will find the Request a Workspace form. In
the Identification section, fill your identity and your desire Workspace name. Click
on Next button when you are done.
In the next form we will be asked to fill some
survey questions. Answer the survey then click on Next button.
Next you must write something about why you are
requesting the workspace. You may answer it by type “I need it for learning
purposes” or something like that. Click on Next button when you’re done.
After your information recorded, next step is agreement
confirmation. You have to click on I
accept the terms (please scroll the terms and read it) then click on Next
The final step of workspace request is reading
the Confirmation page. Make sure the information shown is the same as your
desire. Click in Submit Request Button to finalize the request.
Notification will be shown, next you have to
check you mailbox to activate the workspace.
Open an email sent from,
it will stated that you workspace request approved. You have to click on the given
link, it will be redirected to oracle apex website.
Congratulation! Your free Oracle APEX Workspace has
successfully created. Click on Continue to Sign In Screen button to enter your
Because it is your first time to access the
workspace, you need to change your initial password. Please enter your new
password then click on Apply changes button. In the future this process will
not be needed, you can change your password only when you need to change it.
Here is your Oracle APEX Workspace desktop, now
you can start to create your Oracle APEX application.
Okay that’s all the processes to
create free Oracle APEX Workspace. This is the first step to learn Oracle APEX.
Thank You - Bobsis
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